Curaderm BEC5 Testimonials

Curaderm BEC5 Customer Testimonials

Curaderm Testimonial California USA

You are absolutely a God Sent! 

THIS IS A TRUE STATMENT RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES, I watched as the basil cells surfaced and the color change from brown and then it turned black and slowly kept coming through until the curaderm it had uplifted even the roots.  When I first apply the creme the stinging travels to the root and it stops right at the root.  That is amazing. With each application I can feel the path to the root getting shorter and the stinging is less and less and then gone. 

My cosmetic HMO surgeon was (inexperienced) too aggressive in doing a nasal flap and It left a huge wound that wouldn’t heal and I incurred a staff infection.  I couldn’t face people, because instead of three medium spots of skin cancer on my nose, my entire nose was from my bridge to the tip was an open necrotic wound with basil cell carcinoma spread throughout which was destroying all the tissue and leaving an ongoing canyon that kept getting bigger and bigger.

My only other option according to them was to see a psychiatrist or have my nose removed.  Since I have been using Curaderm for two weeks and it has already cured half of the cancer and I have healthy tissue regrowing and filling in it’s place.   

You saved my life, healed a family of depression and a once doomed person is now inspired! I tell my story to everyone and they look at me in wonder.  Could this be true? they ask me and my response: Yes, and in the near future, there will be a cure for cancer which started with Curaderm!Margaret L
California, United States

Curaderm Testimonial Arizona United States
I want you to know that my confidence and reassurance in your firm and the BEC5 product increases daily!  Having used Curaderm on the BCC on my nose for a full 2 weeks now, I believe I’m near the completion of the treatment. 

I have found you and your associates most helpful and reassuring and very patient in professionally handling a newcomer to Curaderm.

Best Regards,
Dennis K.
Payson, Arizona, USA

Curaderm Testimonial Pine Bush United States 

Hi Folks, I just completed treating my squamous cell carcinoma on my leg. It took from 9/2-11/12 (71 days). I’ve chatted with your staff many times regarding the swelling in my ankle and foot, but after staying with 2 applications daily it steadily diminished and now is totally closed. The site itself is unevenly colored with the perifery fading from red to brownish.
Debbie L.
Pine Bush, United States

Curaderm Testimonial Brooklyn United States 
What a wonderful product! It took a month, but that large, dark, flat, ugly growth on my back melted away leaving smooth, healthy skin. This is one of those very unique products that actually works with no downside. I just want to add my appreciation and gratitude to the folks who developed Curaderm.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy H.
Brooklyn, United States

Curaderm BEC5 Testimonial  Product Support 
I appreciate your taking the time to check the progress of my treatment.  I have now been using the cream for just over two weeks.  The lesion has gone through almost all the stages indicated on your extremely helpful website.  It has now shrunk to a tiny indented patch.
I contacted your colleague Bruno after a week of treatment, as I was concerned that the lesion was bleeding.  He responded by return, reassuring me that this was part of the curative process, and that I should continue the treatment, which I did.  The bleeding stopped within 12 hours, and from that time, the lesion started getting better.

The treatment is a bit worrying initially, when the skin cancer appears to be getting worse daily!  Also, applying the cream at this stage is quite painful. But it only lasts about a week. Your informative website encouraged me to persevere, and the end result is well worth a little discomfort.    There is virtually no stinging now when I apply the cream.
I hope that this will help encourage others to try Curaderm, which certainly lives up to its excellent reputation!
Anita D.
United States

Curaderm Testimonial – BC Canada 
Hello  – GOOD NEWS!!!!!
My son is here today, looked at my nose and said it has healed perfectly!!! So now I can celebrate your absolutely amazing cure and I want to tell you I am in good spirits againand am so happy I used your product – shall certainly recommend it to my friends!!! Thank you for all your patience and support of the past few months – I really appreciate all you did for me
– love, Helen
British Columbia, Canada

Curaderm Testimonial DC USA
Here is my story if you would like a testimonial….first of all, for about a 4 months I was getting very suspicious about an area of skin on my face above my left temple.  Although it was an irregular area, all in all it was about the size of a dime that would bleed occassionally if a rough washcloth touched it too hard.  So I finally decided to get it checked by the dermatologist.  I had read the book “The Skin Cancer Answer” ahead of time and new in my mind that there were alternatives to surgical removal.  The dermatologist looked at it and right away said it was basal cell carcinoma and wanted to remove it.  I however insisted on just getting a biopsy.  He laughed at me and scorned me when I told him I was considering using the BEC creme. I also had a small crusty spot near my clavicle that I had him look at and said it was either basal cell or actinic keratoses, and also wanted to remove it.  The only thing I allowed that day was the biopsy of the area on my face.  The result turned out that it was basal cell.  My only problem was that I was hesitant of using the creme on my face because I read that some people had allergic reactions and swelling.  My skin, especially on my face, is very sensitive and I’ve had reactions to things in the past where my whole eye swells shut. 

So to make a long story short, I decided my clavicle area was the safest area to try first.  I treated it with the crème for actually only 7 days and it did all the things you said it would do and I got along just fine!  It appears to be completly gone and the red spot has even faded enough that you can’t even notice I ever had it (3 months now). So next I decided to try the spot on my face.  It immediately started doing the same thing I had experienced the first time…since it was larger than the other site, it did get quite a bit larger as you said it would and swelled, but I was able to style my bangs in a way that covered it up and most people didn’t notice anything going on!  I had no allergic reaction at all.  I treated it 4-5 times a day for almost 3 weeks.  Then it healed up with fresh pink skin, which was a lot pinker than I thought it would be, but is now fading quite a bit and I don’t have to cover it up with make-up.  So that’s my story!  Sorry I did not think to take pictures!  Thank you!
Dr. Nygren, DC
Van W. United States

I got along just fine!  It appears to be completly gone and the red spot has even faded enough that you can’t even notice I ever had it. 

Curaderm Case Study Testimonial United States 
I have used Curaderm on a lesion (basal cell) ever since March of this year.   It has taken a long time to heal the lesion, but I think the treatment is complete.

I am extremely pleased that I did not succumb to the Moh’s surgery that my dermotologist advised. (I agree that modern traditional medicine seems to want to sweep natural cures under the rug, and instead touts the surgical, chemo, and radiation treatments for cancer.  This is a tragic disgrace!!) It is, or course a “cash cow” to he organized group of cancer surgeons and others in their field!
I would be happy to send another picture of the completed treatment to this area on my leg.  Please advise me in this matter.
Dot F
Talisman Ter. United States

Testimonial – New Port United States 
Yes, please feel free to use my pictures, I am hoping this will be of help for someone else.  I have several other small lesions which I am treating at this time.  They are all progressing well.  I am so happy that I found Curaderm BEC5.  The doctors said I was looking at several thousands of dollars to take care of the many cancerous lesions I have developed due to much sun exposure in my earlier years.  As you can see from the pictures, I have fair skin and blue eyes.  I am so happy I no longer have to undergo surgery to take care of this problem.  The removal of the cancer next to my eye is liberating to say the least.  I cannot begin to tell you how truly happy  I am.
New Port Richey, United States

Curaderm Testinmonial Worthington United States 
I was just out for dinner with nine people and shared my story of my two areas biopsied with BCC. One ended up with MOHs and a skin graft and the other was treated with Curaderm and then biopsied as cancer free! I am a good advertisement for Curaderm and will continue to spread the word.
Thank you,
Worthington, USA

Treated with Curaderm and then biopsied as cancer free! I am a good advertisement for Curaderm and will continue to spread the word. 

Curaderm Testimonial from Arizona USA 
hi..already started and almost finished treatment…doctor told me i had keratosis……this is kind of remarkable i tried skin answer several years ago…it did nothing…best regards and happy holidays.
Mr. Beaghler
Arizona, USA.

Curaderm Testimonial instead of Plastic Surgery 
I think it’s awonderful product and I am very glad that I discovered where to obtain it. You don’t know how much I have worried and stressed over the last year or two about the damage on the side of my nose. It had started to grow very slowly in the past year or so and I knew something would have to be done about it, and I was not looking forward to going to a plastic surgeon to have it removed.
Portland, USA.

Toronto Canada User tells the story 
Dear Dr. Calmez: The lesion has disappeared. I have an appointment with the skin specialist on Feb. 23. The doctor’s test next to the lesion 2 months ago tested positive for superficial skin cancer. I have had the lesion for many months and it started as a dry spot. When it became a lesion it would not heal even thou the doctor said that it was not cancerous. Your cream worked in less than a week. So even if it is not cancer at least it worked.
Toronto, Canada.

Curaderm Testimonial from Willis USA 
Thank you for your interest. The treatment has gone very well. It has been healed over for a couple of weeks, I think. My husband has already told several people about Curaderm-BEC5.
Thanks Again,
Willis, USA.

My husband has already told several people about Curaderm-BEC5.

Return Curaderm User from China 
I really appreciate your follow up emails. My Curaderm has arrived but I haven’t started my treatment yet. I used it when I was in Australia and it is a great product.
Beijing, China.

Curaderm compared to MOHS, Effudex
Thank you for writing. I’m optimistic that Curaderm will heal my BCC on the tip of my nose. I didn’t want MOHS surgery, or Effudex as one is invasive and the other is a form of chemotherapy. I prefer all natural!
Tampa, USA.

No Surgery for this User from Texas
My dermatogist marked with a pen the two locations. The areas he marked are the areas he said he would remove with surgery if I so elected. I intend to use Curaderm instead.
Grapevine, Texas, USA.

Used on 3 areas – Curaderm Testimonial from Ohio USA 
Thank you for the follow up about my treatment.
The curaderm has helped 3 areas. One AK was always painful to touch and now it’s gone and healthy. The second area was a “Liver Spot” and it’s almost gone after 2 weeks… very impressive! The 3rd was a black thickened area. Two dermatologists looked at it and were not worried about it (like melanoma!) but they didn’t want to treat it either. I have been applying the Curaderm for over 4 weeks and it has resolved remarkably. All the thickness has “sloughed” and there is just a bit of pin-red left. I expect it to be normal in another week or two.
Thanks for the interest in my treatment,
dublin,ohio, USA.

Curaderm User from Australia 
Thank you for sending Curaderm so promptly. I expect to receive it any time now. I was also happy to hear from you and glad that Dr.Cham has been able to get things organised to get the Curaderm-BEC5 available to the world. Please give him and his family my very best wishes, and best wishes to you, also.
Regards, Astralina
Brisbane, Queenland

Curaderm user confirms healthy skin cells
Treatment has progresssed well.
Treated 3 lesions ostensibly fairly superficial.
Healthy tissue has grown back and have ceased tratment,
Many thanks
farmington hills, MI, USA.

Curaderm User – Sydney Australia 
Hi to the support team,
Thanks for all the very informative emails. Yes I have received curaderm and have begun using it exactly as prescribed.
I know the info very well as my sister has had great success in using it thus my reason for purchase. We are very aware of the skin cancer story having had many removed in the past so it is with great thanks that you have made this available to the public. Thank you again I’ll keep in touch.
Sydney NSW, Australia.

Thank you from Happy Curaderm-BEC5 Customer in Palm Harbor USA 
thank you for your patience with an old lady, and also thank you for reasurring me that it will not hurt healthy tissue. you have encouraged me to continue treatment a while longer. it is your assurance that is will do no harm to healthy skin which was a great reassurance! thank you!
Palm harbor, USA.

Treated 3 lesions ostensibly fairly superficial.

Healthy tissue has grown back and have ceased tratment,

No more fears for Scott from Isle of Palms 
My biggest fear is the way the doctor was explaining to me , he wasn’t sure how much was going to be removed until they started to perform surgery. That to me was scarey enough. At that point, I decided to use Curaderm. The doctor said that surgery would be 99% cure rate and creams would only be a 50% cure rate. I still decided to use Curaderm. Maybe it will give my doctor a look at an alternitive.
Isle of Palms, USA

Curaderm BEC5 Customer  wants to use again 
I have, in the past, used Curacel SP cream and Curacel Antiseptic Gel for skin cancers. I was very happy with the results and would like to buy this Curaderm Cream please.
Thank you
Clareville, USA.

Normal Skin Tissue Returns – San Diego United States 
Just want to let you know that I have used Curaderm with great results !!
Have used it as directed and after 10 days noticed the regrowth of normal skin tissue !
I’ve continued using it twice a day and cannot thank you enough for total success!!!!
San Diego, USA.

Curaderm BEC5 Testimonial from New Mexico United States 
My name is Carla Gomez. I am 50 years old.
I ran into an add about Dr. Calmez and his cream and placed an order. I applied the cream several times and felt no sensation at all.
I woke Wednesday morning and found that the wound had dried up and looked like the skin was scabbing over.
Saturday morning the scab was completely gone and my nose appeared as if it had been sunburned and was peeling or like a scab had recently fallen off. The skin did not look quite normal but it had the look of a healthy and healing skin without much trace of the patch of red skin that had worried me for the past 5 years. I will continue to use the curaderm for another week and tell everyone I know about this miraculous lotion that really does kill the cells of skin cancer.
New Mexico.

 I will continue to use the curaderm for another week and tell everyone I know about this miraculous lotion that really does kill the cells of skin cancer. 

It has been just over two weeks now and I have been told there is no tumor visable either above or below the skin
Just a short email to let you know I have finished my treatment for my BCC with CURADERM. It has been just over two weeks now and I have been told there is no tumor visable either above or below the skin I have also has a THERMAL IMAGING test done which shows up any activity and it has come back clear. I am so grateful to Dr. Cham for developing CURADERM and also to the support you have given via email. I am also very grateful to another of your success stories, Astralina who encouraged me to “give it a go” and was there to support me by telephone from the other side of Australia, she is a true friend. Without CURADERM I was facing extensive surgery as the BCC was on the tip of my nose the cost amounting to over $5000 for Plastic Surgery not to mention the scars I would have been left with and more than that the terror and fear I felt when told what my options were. So thank you Dr. Cham and your team for giving me back my life, I wish others were not so complacent and just followed Doctors Orders. I will try and send some photos of my “Journey” which was sometimes scary but in the end such an easy and safe option.

I finished my treatment about the 12th of January this year and also has the thermal Imaging done 1 week later. All came back clear, which was a big relief, although I still get concerned if I see a small spot on my nose and i feel thats because of the fear I  felt at when the doctors told me what I would have to go through to have the BCC removed surgically. Im amazed that Curaderm was so easy and painless. I will try and send those photos although they may look a little distorted because they were taken by the camera on my mobile phone. The BCC was a focally infiltrative one on the the tip of my nose.  Thank You again
Hervey Bay,QLD,Australia.

Saving Money with Curaderm BEC5

I am SOOOO grateful to have heard from you!!! I was so afraid I wouldn’t get the Curaderm.

I have had doctor’s in control of my treatment for skin cancer for the past ten years. I have early stages of Basel cell and can get anywhere from 2 to 6 new ones a month. They told me if they don’t continue removing them surgically I could die. I have heard too many success stories of people using Curaderm. Each one of my 2 minute surgeries costs $1500 US dollars. They certainly don’t want to give that up.
Thank You,
Patterson, NY
United States

Without CURADERM I was facing extensive surgery as the BCC was on the tip of my nose the cost amounting to over $5000 for Plastic Surgery not to mention the scars I would have been left with and more than that the terror and fear I felt when told what my options were. So thank you Dr. Cham and your team for giving me back my life!

Curaderm skin cancer cream
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