Skin Cancers are the most prevalent kind of cancer but fortunately, they are amongst the easiest to treat with the best health outcomes.
If you’ve had skin cancer before you probably already know that the majority of skin cancers are of the Non-Melanoma type, which is again fortunate as these are the type that can be most easily treated – Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common and accounts for about 80% of cases. It’s cancer that isn’t considered to be hereditary, but there is an increased incidence of it within families, probably due to sharing lifestyle choices rather than say DNA.
The most common form of treatment for BCC is surgery of some kind whereby the cancer is cut out via various means – this is used in over half of treatment plans as the preferred option. If treatment is delayed too long, significant skin damage can result meaning that surgery isn’t just confined to cutting out or an excision of the cancer, but some reconstructive surgery and skin grafts may be required too. So whilst not necessarily a life-threatening condition, these are not insignificant medical interventions.
Variations of treatment can include the use of lasers or freezing, but the excision intent is still the driving force overall.
Another increasingly popular solution is to apply Curaderm BEC5 topically, which means locally, on the site of the skin condition a couple of times a day for several weeks. This approach has been used with over 100,000 people globally with no reported adverse reactions that we are aware of. Clinical reports indicate Curaderm is unique in targeting the cancer cells, which are then destroyed by the body’s defences, leaving surrounding tissue unharmed and able to regrow. This is not a cheap treatment versus say free treatment paid for by insurers or your health service, but it is certainly a lot less invasive in every way possible and causes almost minimal life disruption.
There is also talk of using herbal remedies of various types and by that we mean those with zero medical studies as back-up, so purely sold on rumour and hearsay. Medical opinion here is very clear, don’t be tempted down this route at any point as many herbal remedies contain harmful substances that are not listed or powerful ingredients like steroids. Opinions don’t even seem to be divided that these are likely to do more harm than good, whether it’s a first cancer or subsequent worries about recurrence.
So what then about recurrence, is it a risk?
Any cancer can of course return and in part, this is down to how quickly it was spotted and treated. Delaying treatment can cause cancers to spread and mutate into other forms, so don’t ever delay doing something. A product like Curaderm can even be safely trialled whilst in the waiting list for some other treatment or inspection by a medical professional.
Results from Curaderm BEC5 show zero recurrences of non-melanoma skin cancer after a decade. Obviously, this means that in the location that was being treated, new cancer can pop up elsewhere particularly if you are not following a healthy lifestyle.
We won’t dwell on the likely adverse reactions to those trying herbal medications with minimal control as these probably will have had no positive impact on the first cancer, never mind recurrences. Instead, we do have data for comparison on surgery outcomes – this data comes from the USA.
After a study of thousands of patients after less than seven years, a recurrence rate was observed (in the same cancer location on the body) in about one in twenty-five people – the rate was slightly higher amongst those opting for excising via surgeon and knife than say lasers, but overall around 3.5% reoccurred. Quiet what the figure would be at the ten-year threshold as measured by Curaderm, we don’t know but it’s probably not unreasonable to assume around the 5% mark.
So with say one in twenty possibly reoccurring via the surgery route after a decade versus a probable zero propensity via Curaderm it seems to make a strong case for considering trialling Curaderm treatment whilst you wait for your medical professionals to arrange a more invasive alternative – it might cost a lot for a small tube of cream but it could be one of the best value investments you’ll ever make.
A information resource you may wish to share with your own Doctor.