Is NHS cancer care free in the UK?
If you need cancer care in the UK, is it free or are there other medical solutions you shoud be looking at?
If you need cancer care in the UK, is it free or are there other medical solutions you shoud be looking at?
Skin cancer awareness month usually takes place each May and aims to raise awareness of the dangers of exposing yourself to the sun without any protection and educate people on how they can prevent themselves from getting skin cancer. Throughout May, people who have been… Read More »Inform yourself of Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Working out and breaking a sweat can be a great way to improve your body and your overall wellbeing, but how does it affect the skin? The body’s largest organ is the skin, so the lifestyle choices and decisions you make can directly impact it,… Read More »How does exercise impact the skin?
Whilst physically looking after your skin plays an important part in its condition, there is a range of vitamins that can work from the inside to help create and maintain healthy skin. Vitamins can be taken in the form of a supplement, eaten in food… Read More »Best vitamins for the skin
Maskne – you’ve heard of it! Over the past year, masks have played an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19. People have been required to wear masks in many public places, such as retail shops, on public transport, walking in and out of… Read More »Maskne – Do face masks irritate the skin?
The cold weather is fast approaching, and it can be tough on your skin. It is important to understand how the cold winter weather affects the skin and how to stop it from becoming damaged. What does cold weather do to your skin? When the… Read More »Is your skin ready for the cold weather?
The UV index or ultraviolet index is the standard measurement used around the world to measure the strength of ultraviolet radiation at a particular time and place. The UV index scale is used internationally and was developed by Canadian scientists in 1992 and then adopted… Read More »What is the UV index?
We all wear sun cream in the summer without giving it a second thought, but should we also consider wearing it throughout the winter as well? The short answer: YES!There are many benefits to wearing sun cream in the cooler months to keep your skin… Read More »Is sun cream necessary in the cooler months?
The body is unable to produce Vitamin C, which means it is an essential vitamin and has many important functions. It has been linked to a range of health benefits and is something that should be included in everyone’s diet. Where can it be found?… Read More »Benefits of vitamin C
Eggplants, also known as aubergines, come in a range of sizes, colours and varieties. The fruit (it’s not a vegetable!) contains lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are believed to help to encourage heart health, control blood sugar levels, help weight loss and much… Read More »Health benefits of eggplant